
Mass Coordinator

The Mass Coordinator contributes to a smooth and prayerful celebration of the Eucharist by making certain that all liturgical ministers are present and finding replacement when they are not.  This is important as it frees the presider to concentrate on the Mass.  It allows the priest more energy to preside and preach, knowing the details are being attended to. Do you appreciate when liturgy goes smoothly?  Is this ministry for you?


New Parishioners Ministry

The first contact with new parishioners is a time to let them know that they have joined a vibrant and active faith community!  Our parish is proud to offer many opportunities for parishioners to come together in faith and this ministry is their first glimpse of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish!  New members are always welcome to join this rewarding and enriching ministry.  Might you be interested in welcoming new parishioners into our faith community?


Parish Fundraising Committee

While our primary mandate is to raise money to assist in the financial well-being of the Parish, all activities are designed to focus on the ‘fun’ in fundraising!  This committee thinks of new and creative ideas to build community while bringing money into our parish.  We are always looking for new volunteers to help with the planning and execution of fundraising activities.  If you’d like to join our great group, please call the Parish office!


Prayer Shawl Ministry

Shawls have been made for centuries and are a symbol of an unconditionally loving God.  They provide comfort to the sick, the dying and the grieving.  They also signify love and warmth to the newly married and the newly baptized.  The Shawl Ministry is an opportunity to come together in a prayerful environment and share your love of knitting and crocheting with other members of the parish.