Parishes The Book of the Names of the Deadhave the custom of giving a place of honour to a book in which loved ones write the names of their beloved dead. The Book of the Names of the Dead provides the living with an opportunity for healing and consolation in the face of grief and would usually be displayed throughout the month of November, from the solemnity of All Saints until the beginning of Advent.  This year, we are going to enter these names online, so that everyone can read the names, remember those lost, and pray for the repose of their souls.  Remembering all of these beloved men and women who have gone before us, helps us better appreciate our faith in Christ, our risen Lord who conquers death and brings new life to all.

To have your loved one included, please send in their name by email to [email protected] or call the parish office at
386-6178 and we will enter their name here.

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