
For more information, please contact our Director of Catechesis,
Karen LeBlanc at 506-387-4198 or [email protected].


Year 1 catechism begins for all children who will be six years old before December 31st of this year. We use a “Parent Coaching Model” where parents/guardians and child come to catechism and sit at a table together.  A Coaching Catechist leads the parents through each session so that the parent is, in fact, the Catechist for the child!

A central principle of the Parent Coaching Model is that we cannot succeed in faith formation with children unless their parents and guardians are also deeply engaged with the process, so you will find:

  • Catechism sessions are 75-90 minutes in length and take place once every two weeks.

  • You will accompany your child to each session where you will journey alongside them, as together you grow in faith. (We understand that families lead busy lives. If you are unable to attend with your child, they may be accompanied by another adult, such as a grandparent, an aunt or uncle, or a close family friend.)

  • Children will be separated into two groupings: one grouping for Years 1, 2 and 3 and another grouping for Years 4, 5 and 6. If you have more than one child registered in the same grouping, (for example a child in Year 1 and another in Year 3) you can all attend the same session together!

We have had great success with this program and know that it is opening doors for parents to be able to talk more comfortably about their faith and beliefs with their child. Many parents have commented on how this catechism program is renewing and deepening their own faith as they journey with their child. Awesome!


Online registration  (Fill out the online, make payment through e-transfer.)


Manual registration (Print and fill out form and then bring the form into the parish office and make payment.)


Schedule for 2024-25 Years 1-2-3  (coming soon)

Schedule for 2024-25 Years 4-5-6 (coming soon)

Schedule for 2024-25 Year 7 (coming soon)