Today’s reading and Gospel focus heavily on the theme of radical love and forgiveness, particularly the call to “love your enemies” as Jesus teaches in the Gospel reading urging us to do good to those who hate us, bless those who curse us, and pray for those who persecute us, essentially challenging us to extend mercy even to those who may not deserve it, mirroring God’s own boundless love. Jesus encourages us to give without expecting anything in return …
On this 3rd Sunday of Advent we are invited to rejoice and be at peace. As we prepare for Christmas let’s remember to find joy and peace in our relationship with God and share that joy with others. The 3rd Sunday of Advent is also called Gaudette Sunday. Gaudette is a Latin word that means “rejoice”. There is a pink or rose candle instead of a purple one on the Advent wreath. It is a reminder that the Advent season is …
The readings today emphasize that LOVE is the greatest law fulfilling all commandments. We are urged to love God ” with all our heart soul , mind and strength”. Jesus also teaches that we must love our neighbours as ourselves. We are told to love God and show that love through our actions towards others. Every opportunity to love someone is an opportunity to love God.
As a former English teacher, I’ve looked at the …
On the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time we reflect on themes of humility, service and the Christian life. In the second reading James seems to emphasize the importance of unity. He tells us that jealousy and ambition lead to disharmony and wickedness. We can see that for ourselves at every level of human life these days; from international relations all the way down to relationships between individuals. The fracturing of human relationships is not in line with the ” wisdom …
Today’s reflections focus on the Gospel about the significance of the Passover Meal when Jesus took a loaf of bread, and after blessing it He broke it, gave it to them and said, ” Take; this is my Body.” Then He took a cup, and after giving thanks He gave it to them, and all of them drank from it. He said to them, ” This is my Blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many.” These …
The readings for today remind us that Jesus is our advocate. They reassure us that Jesus’ atoning sacrifice for us and for our sins extends beyond us to the whole world. In the Gospel, first Jesus said to the disciples: ” Peace be with you! ” Knowing how disturbed they were , the state of their minds, the Lord asked, ” Why are you so troubled? ” In other words, Jesus was asking them ” Can you give me …
Today’s readings encourage obedience to God through the examples of Abraham and Jesus. Abraham’s readiness to sacrifice Isaac and Jesus’ submission to His Father’s will during the Transfiguration both exemplify profound obedience rooted in trust and love. The psalm in today’s readings calls us to trust even in the midst of trials and even to offer thanks despite the suffering. There is a resolve in the psalmist to remain faithful …
Today we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord. We celebrate the revelation that Jesus was born as the Son of God. Today’s Gospel illustrates this revelation through the story of the three Magi ( Wise Men) who travelled to visit Jesus following His birth.
“There ahead of them went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the Child was. When they saw that the star had stopped, …
My reflections for this week’s readings and gospel are focused on the First Reading from the book of Proverbs. The first reading talks about a woman who is valuable in many ways. She’s trustworthy, hardworking, and caring. This isn’t just about being a good wife, but also about being a strong individual. Her skills are practical; she can work “with wool and flax” and she helps the less fortunate. This paints a picture of a person who is balanced …
Today, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. After forty days (a number indicating preparation in the Bible) Jesus ascended into Heaven, leaving the mission of the church under the care of the Apostles, and promising to send the Holy Spirit as their guide on Pentecost (which we will celebrate next Sunday). I remember as a very young girl, picturing Jesus ascending into the clouds and I naively thought that if I could get above the …