
Reflection – Ascension

Ascension should be one of the most important days in our catholic faith.  It should be celebrated like Christmas because Christmas is the day when Jesus is born in our likeness, a human being. He was born and lived like us, and his journey was to teach about his Father, our creator.  He was born to teach us on how to live with each other and love one another.  He taught about the 10 laws of life, which are the ten commandments.  These spiritual laws are like the doors to Heaven if we follow them, but like any law, we have a choice to follow these laws. (Commandments)

Jesus died for the redemption of our sins, and he made an appearance to his disciples for forty days to communicate to them that they had the responsibility to tell his story.  Jesus’s life was like ours and he experienced life as we do, pain, sorrow, and happiness.  Jesus died for each one of us and forty days after his resurrection, he rose again from the dead. 

My faith has taught me if I want to be in heaven with our creator when I leave this earth, I have to Love my neighbor with all my heart.  As human beings, we are all sinners and I always say that nobody is perfect. Not me anyway.

Ascension shows me that to reach that heavenly place, and since I might have sins, I know Jesus will be there with his father to advocate and be my mediator.

The Apostle Creed explains the ascension perfectly, “I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.  Amen”.

Peggy Clement
Elsipogtog First Nation


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