
Reflection – May We See the Sacredness in Each Other

This week’s readings are the most challenging yet. With so much going on in the world today and so many of us having problems with our spirituality, it makes you wonder what is next.

The statement in the first reading makes you realize that we are holy because we were created in the image of God. This holiness that is given to us in baptism, is our gift that carries us through life with a caring heart.

A caring heart doesn’t discriminate against any race or the color we might be. Our Lord’s love shows us to accept people unconditionally no matter what their choice is in life.  Is it possible for us to do this and that’s the question I personally have to ponder with.

To examine my mind with a caring heart, do I hold grudges against another person or want to take revenge against them when they hurt me?  When a person hurts me now, I know there is always a reason, and if I have love for that person, I should try to see the sacredness in their spirit.    

Our creator loves us so much and if we have a problem with loving our neighbor then it reminds me that maybe I have a problem in having and showing love for myself.  Today’s reading is thought provoking for me.

When we have love in our hearts, it’s easy to share that love with everyone in our lives.  It doesn’t take much to realize that we can see the Lord in that person who was created in his image.

In this world, the biggest challenge is to show our Lord’s Love.  When we have Love we have to express that Love with our family and the people in our lives every day.

Peggy Clement
Elsipogtog First Nation


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