Scheduling a Baptism

We get many inquiries regarding baptism and what steps need to be taken in preparation.  Most of the time people will send an email to the parish account which then gets sent to Mark.  We have established a new email account you can use to have your questions answered.  The address is: [email protected].  This will go straight to Mark and he will be happy to help you out.


  • When you register their child for the sacrament of Baptism, we will arrange for a time for you to meet with the Pastoral Associate (that’s Mark!) to review the necessary preparation. The date of the Baptism will be discussed at this meeting.

  • Select one or two godparents. At least one of the godparents must be a practicing Catholic.

  • You will be required to attend a Baptismal Preparation class prior to the Baptism and those dates will be discussed with Mark also.


Getting Married?

All love comes from God, and all love reflects the love that God has for His creation. The Sacrament of Marriage is, first and foremost, a sign and symbol of this love! Marriage is a sacrament of the self-giving love which two people offer to each other. The love which a couple have for each other mirrors the love God has for them.

Please call us at least six months in advance of your wedding date.

Arranging your Marriage

  • Call the office to make an appointment with a priest. (506-386-6178)

    • From that appointment, you can reserve the church, as well as the Hall (if required for Reception)

    • Marriage Preparation Guideline document and a little checklist will be given to you

  • Register for the upcoming Marriage Preparation Class – there us usually one offered each spring at St. Augustine’s Church. (506-857-4223)

  • Start gathering up documents that will be needed:

    • Marriage license from the Province of NB

    • Baptismal certificates (Catholic certificates must be dated within 6 months of wedding date)

    • Names and addresses of witnesses (must be 19 years of age or older)

    • Addresses and places of birth of parents

and of course, congratulations!!



Please contact our Pastoral Associate, Mark Mahoney, to discuss funeral arrangements.  Mark will sit with family members to answer all questions and ensure that the details are organized and in place.  He will help the family to select Readings and Music as well as work with the Funeral Home to prepare for the funeral celebration.