April 22nd, 2023

In 2023, the theme of Earth Day will be “Invest in Our Planet” a continuation of the 2022 theme, designed to persuade businesses, governments and citizens around the world of the need to invest in our planet, to improve our environment and give our descendants a better and safer future.

Did you know that the first Earth Day was in 1970?

Take a moment to see what’s changed in the last 52 years…..some sad news, but hopeful news as well….
Earth Day 1970 – 2022

March 22nd, 2023

For World Water Day 2023, thousands of elementary school teachers and students have been equipped with “Water Drops” so that they can learn about the First Nations drinking water crisis and send personal notes and drawings to the Canadian Government. 

Students’ words are always heartfelt and insightful, as our young people call out the fundamental injustice of the situation.  Even little children understand the human need, and the human right, to water.  Even elementary school children, are imploring the Government to make good on its promise to end drinking water advisories on all First Nations.

It’s a promise first made 8 years ago in the 2015 election campaign.  Eight years later, 29 First Nations are still under drinking water advisories. Some communities, like Neskantaga First Nation, have had to boil their water for almost three decades. Others have seen their water quality deteriorate to the point they have been put on drinking water advisories in just the last couple of years.  By engaging classrooms across Canada, we are educating the next generation of Public Water Champions and making sure the Government hears directly from his youngest constituents.  It is beyond time for our government to honour its promise to First Nations, its treaty obligations, and the human right to water.

April 22nd, 2022

This is the moment to change it all.
Now is the time for each of us to be courageous; to preserve and protect ourselves, our health and our families.
Now is the time, when we must commit to
Please click on the link for a quick 3-minute video,
Reflection for Earth Day 2022‘.

We also have a beautiful ‘Prayer Card for the Earth‘ to share with you.  Please find a quiet spot and read these prayers slowly, taking the time to let the words touch the deep places in your heart.  Take this time to ask God to open new insights to you about your relationship with his creation, Mother Earth.

Click here to read about the story of the Nibi (Water) Song told by Beatrice Menase Kwe Jackson, Migizi Clan.

In Ojibwemowin:

Ne-be Gee Zah- gay- e- goo.  (Water, we love you.)
Gee Me-gwetch -wayn ne- me – goo  (We thank you.)
Gee Zah Wayn ne- me- goo. (We respect you.)

Also, please take a moment to watch this beautiful interview below.  Thank you for your wisdom, First Nations Grandmother, Josephine Mandamin, from Manitoulin Island, ON.  A world-renowned water-rights activist, Grandmother Josephine walked around the Great Lakes from 2003-2017 and here, talks about the importance of water and the problems of water pollution on the Great Lakes and on Indigenous reserves across Canada.  May we all listen.

Please enjoy this beautiful reflection on Creation.

Laudato Si’ (Praise Be to You) is a  phrase out of Francis of Assisi’s 13th-century poem and prayer, “Canticle of the Sun”, in which God is praised for the creation of the different creatures and aspects of the Earth.

This page is going to introduce you to three videos by Franciscan Friar, Daniel Horan.  Fr. Daniel will provide you with an in-depth introduction to, and commentary on, Pope Francis’s Laudato Si’.  Thank you, Fr. Daniel!

Episode 1 – Models of Creation

Episode 2 – Situating Laudato Si’

Episode 3 – What is happening to Our Common Home?

A Prayer for Our Earth by Carol Meyer

Most gracious God, we come before you to pray for the well being of the planet.

You alone know the full extent of the destruction we have wrought to your beautiful handiwork, and what needs to be done to remedy it.

We pray for the people around the globe who suffer because of environmental damage.

We pray for the defenceless creatures harmed or made extinct by our selfishness and ignorance.

We pray for the oceans, air, mountains, plants, and soil, that life and health may again pulse in them.

We pray that we humans have a change of heart and stop harming the planet.

Pour out your Holy Spirit on us that we may have the passion and wisdom to work effectively to restore your creation.

Guide us in our personal, church and community efforts.

Give us strength to continue on with this work when it is difficult and requires sacrifice.

Bless the Earth and all its life in every way.

We make this prayer through Christ, our Lord.


20 Ways to Fall in Love with Nature

In honour of Earth Day 2021, enjoy the short video clip,
20 Ways to Fall in Love with Nature‘.

“Let the beauty of what you love, be what you do. There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the earth.”
Rumi (13th century poet)

May 2nd, 2021

New Brunswickers – Connecting Food and Climate Change

Climate change is the single biggest issue facing our species and our planet.  We must act urgently.  We may not all be in a position to install solar panels or legislate climate policy, but we are all eate

Click on the link above and/or the picture to the left, and read all about it!

March 29th, 2021

Reflections of Water

Take a moment to view these photos, showing the beauty of God’s creation, WATER, our source of life and also our responsibility.

World Water Day

World Water Day

World Water Day is March 22nd.  The first one was in 1993.  World Water Day celebrates water and raises awareness of the 2.2 billion people living without access to safe water. It is about taking action to tackle the global water crisis.

Under the theme of valuing water, the 2021 campaign is generating a global, public conversation on social media about how people value water for all its uses. The aim is to create a more comprehensive understanding of how water is valued by different people in different contexts so we can safeguard this precious resource for everyone. The central narrative of the campaign is designed to encourage people to contribute their stories, thoughts and experiences on the value of water:


“Water means different things to different people. This conversation is about what water means to you.

  • How is water important to your home and family life, your livelihood, your cultural practices, your wellbeing, your local environment?

  • In households, schools and workplaces, water can mean health, hygiene, dignity and productivity.

  • In cultural, religious and spiritual places, water can mean a connection with creation, community and oneself.

  • In natural spaces, water can mean peace, harmony and preservation.

  • Today, water is under extreme threat from a growing population, increasing demands of agriculture and industry, and the worsening impacts of climate change.

  • Tell us your stories, thoughts and feelings about water. 

By recording – and celebrating – all the different ways water benefits our lives, we can value water properly and safeguard it effectively for everyone.”

November 2020

Most of us have heard of the ongoing fisheries dispute happening in N.S. and are most likely struggling to understand the underlying issues surrounding this dispute. While these events are distressing, there is no better way to address a problem than to arm ourselves with information.  If you would like to better understand the dispute and learn how we can help with mending relationships, the Laudato Si’ committee has made documents available for you here.

Fishing Dispute in N.S.

Summary of Marshall Decision

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the Laudato Si’ committee by emailing Mark at [email protected].


October 2020

Fratelli tutti is the third encyclical of Pope Francis, subtitled of “on fraternity and social friendship”. In the document, Francis states that the COVID-19 pandemic has proven the failure of the world to work together during this crisis.


Please view this amazing music video with pairs wonderfully with our theme of Creation Spirituality.

Researcher Discovers Microplastics in Bay of Fundy Clams

UNB Grad Student Krista Beardy

Krista Beardy spends her days digging in the mud along the Bay of Fundy shoreline, looking for clams and mussels that she will test for the presence of microplastics.  The 43-year-old graduate student in biology at the University of New Brunswick in Saint John was inspired to start her research after more than a decade as a kayaking guide and instructor.

(Click here to read the full CBC Report by Vanessa Blanch)

1.8 Million Pieces of Garbage Litter Bottom of Bay of Fundy

Floor of the Bay of Fundy – Plastic Garbage

A new study estimates almost two million pieces of junk lie on the sea floor of the Bay of Fundy between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, most of which is plastic and fishing gear, but the number is likely more.  The study, Benthic marine debris in the Bay of Fundy, said sea-floor debris in the Bay of Fundy is “numerous and widespread.”

(Click here to read the full CBC Report by Paul Withers)

Season of Creation

The Season of Creation

Pope Francis delivered a message on Tuesday, September 1st, 2020, the beginning of the Season of Creation.
Click anywhere on the picture to read his message.

Click here to read about the Pope’s Laudato Si’ special anniversary year May 2020 to May 2021.

A reading from Laudato Si’ in song!  Litany for the Earth by Barbara Bridges

Light and Hope for the Earth


On the longest day of the year, June 20th, 2020, parishioners joined together to welcome the Summer Solstice and to honour Pope Francis’ call for a Laudato Si’ Anniversary Year (May 2020 – May 2021).   The prayer event, “Light and Hope for the Earth” took place at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, where a large earth ball was hoisted up into the foyer.  The earth ball is a world globe depicting our home planet as seen from outer space and it will remain there throughout this anniversary year!