Posts Tagged 'Phil Mulligan'

Homily – September 3rd, 2023 – 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

If you’re my age or older, you might remember some of the detective shows that were popular on T.V. back in the 1970s. They included Barnaby Jones, Mannix, The Rockford Files, Hawaii Five-O, Cannon, and the list goes on. I particularly got a kick out of Cannon, because he was too fat to chase down criminals on foot, so he would run them over with his big 8-cylinder Lincoln Continental. Every crook Cannon brought to the police station had tire ...

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Homily – 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time – August 20th, 2023

As you may know, the little slice of the Scriptures on any given Sunday is only that, a slice. The mistake we often make in reading these Bible stories, or just in life in general, is to think we have the whole pie when we only have a slice of the pie. Even Jesus makes the mistake with this Canaanite women.  She has to remind him that initially he only has a piece of the puzzle and not the whole ...

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Homily – 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time – August 13th, 2023

As you know, there are many forms of prayer; one is not any better than another. Public, communal prayer is called liturgy, while private prayer is called devotional prayer. We need both. Different forms of prayer spontaneously emerge in us depending on the circumstance we find ourselves in. When you stand before something absolutely wonderful, and you know you didn’t create it, a “prayer of praise” is never too far from your lips. Looking into a baby’s eyes always elicits ...

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