Archive for May, 2018

Christ is the mediator of a new covenant!

The way in which we celebrate the Eucharist today is steeped in a tradition that is described in today’s first reading from Exodus, although you may not initially recognize it in the somewhat gruesome details of the story.

Moses builds an altar and gathers together the newly liberated Israelites. Representatives of the twelve tribes of Israel are invited to bring sacrifices for ...

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The Most Holy Trinity

The gesture of the Sign of the Cross, an outward profession of faith, and the words  “In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen” identifies Catholics worldwide. From childhood, we are reminded of the significance of the words, “Father, Son and Holy Spirit – the Most Holy Trinity.” It is also ...

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When I was very young I remember coming across an old 1960s catechism book referring to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. When I asked my mother why the book referred to “Holy Ghost” when I had only ever known the “Holy Spirit”, she said, “Holy Ghost scared people so they had to change it,” without missing a beat. It was an answer she thought I would understand, but I ...

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The Ascension

Today we celebrate the truth of our creed: “he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God, the Father.” We celebrate that Jesus has gone before us and opened the gates of heaven. We celebrate that we now live everyday with the hope of Heaven. Jesus is alive — in our hearts through Baptism and through the ...

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Discerning Your Ministry

Here are some helpful hints about knowing if God is calling you to a certain ministry in the Church or not. These steps could also apply to any decision in life, but let’s limit ourselves to liturgical and non-liturgical ministries within our own parish.

At the outset, let us take comfort in the fact that we are never alone in having to figure out God’s will in our lives. This ...

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