Tenth Anniversary of Laudato Si’

On May 24th, 2015 Pope Francis signed Laudato Si’, the papal letter that called the world’s attention to the increasingly fragile state of Mother Earth, our common home.  Ten years later, the Pope’s words appear evermore true and continue to ring in our ears: “What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up?” (LS, 160)

Pope Francis says that ,’The poor communities around the world are already the early and disproportionate victims of the current ecological degradation and we cannot remain indifferent any longer to the increasingly desperate “cry of the earth and the cry of the poor”’ (LS, 49).

In a desire to reconcile tradition and today, science and Marian devotion, may these rosary meditations serve as an inspiration to respond to the call of Pope Francis who, in Laudato Si and Fratelli Tutti, invites us to a profound examination of conscience and to an ecological and social conversion. An Examination of conscience is an act of the will: the decision to look reality in the face using scientific facts, data, figures, and observations. Conversion, on the other hand, requires a change of outlook and way of thinking, a healing of blindness. For us Christians, the healer and saviour is Christ; the remedy is the Gospel.The one who leads to Christ is the Virgin Mary. As we know, the Rosary proposes that we contemplate, through Mary’s eyes, the great events in the life of Jesus and/or his mother: the famous twenty mysteries, grouped by five into Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious. This meditation proposes a double contemplation, focusing on the lives of Mary and Jesus and then broadening the vision to include the whole of Creation, which ‘we know has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth, right up to the present time’. (Romans 8:22), with, it seems in recent times, an acceleration in the pace of the contractions.  Each of the mysteries is offered as a key to DISCOVERING THE LIVING, SUFFERING AND SALVATION CHRIST IN THE CREATED.

Joyful Mysteries with Introduction
Glorious Mysteries
Luminous Mysteries
Sorrowful Mysteries
Prayer of Ecological Consecration to Mary, Mother and Queen of Creation
To Pray the Rosary 


1st Sunday of Lent

As we enter into the season of Lent, we invite all parishioners to reflect on the miracle of God’s creation and to think about what we can do as a church community, and as individuals, to honour and respect Creation.

The theme for Lent 2025 is actually, ‘Journey together in hope’, inspired by Jubilee 2025.  As we walk together through this life, let us:

  • Consume with care and reduce what we waste.

  • Be gentle and respectful with nature and with each other.

  • Pray the Rosary for Care of Creation. (It is beautiful!)

  • As spring approaches, spend each Sunday out in nature and feel that sun!

  • Return to year-round meatless Fridays – good for the soul and also good for the planet!

Let us join Pope Francis and heed the cry of the earth, the cry of the poor.