Posts Tagged 'Agnes Beirne'

Reflection – May 19th, 2024 – Pentecost


“There came a sound like the rush of a violent wind…”(Acts 2)  and  He breathed on them and said to them “Receive the Holy Spirit…'”  

                                                     Air and Life

For the ancients there were four elements, not the ninety plus that science now teaches.

Those four were air, water, fire and earth.  Today, Pentecost, I will concentrate on ...

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Reflection – March 31st, 2024 – The Resurrection of the Lord

Faith and Knowledge

Knowledge, science, is the application of human intelligence to the empirical world. Math is just another word for intelligence. To believe in Creation is to believe that our intelligence is God-given, that there can be no conflict between Science and Creation. Science describes Creation in all its complexity. Difference is essential to the world. Otherwise, we would all be a pre-Big Bang lump. Our knowledge of our own little piece of the world does not mean that someone ...

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