Posts Tagged 'forgiveness'

Homily – March 30th, 2025 – Fourth Sunday of Lent

Family.  Are there any more complicated relationships in your life than the ones you have with your family?  Either with your spouse, your children, your siblings or your parents.  I know in my case, with regard to relationships with my siblings, they have probably been the most unpredictable, on-again, off-again, difficult to navigate relationships in my entire life.  This is not to assign blame for this to any particular individual, it has just seemed to work out that way over ...

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Homily – September 17th, 2023 – 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

As with so many of our Sunday readings, there is again a connection between the first reading from Sirach, in this case, and the gospel passage from Matthew. Both readings are about forgiveness and also about vengeance, which lingers an inch below the surface in even the most forgiving person. Of course, it’s always easier to speak about forgiveness than to live it. To the degree that we know we need forgiveness and to the degree we actively receive it, ...

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