Posts Tagged 'Mark Mahoney'

Reflection – June 9th, 2024 – 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

How Do We View Dying

“Even though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. (2 Corinthians 4: 16)

I feel very confident in saying that almost everyone who reads this has journeyed with someone, or has known someone, who has had or has a debilitating disease that just eats away at them until they are a shell of who they used to be physically.  When journeying with someone who is going through this, or ...

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Reflection – April 21st, 2024 – Fourth Sunday of Easter

Who is God For You?

Well, we are halfway through the Easter season.  This is the Fourth Sunday of Easter, and four Sundays from now we will celebrate Pentecost.  One of the characteristics of this season is the celebration of initiation sacraments.  In our parish grouping we had an adult baptism at the Easter Vigil, and we have first communion and confirmation celebrations coming up in the next few Sundays.  There is much preparation that occurs prior to the celebration of ...

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Reflection – March 3rd, 2024 – Third Sunday of Lent

What Does Sabbath Mean to You?

Recently I was in an R.C.I.A. meeting and as a group we were looking at today’s First reading.  As our leader read the text for us, we were asked to listen intently and then share a word or phrase that we heard that really jumped out at us.  The line that kept replaying in my mind was, “Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy.”  As we shared our responses to the question on the ...

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Homily – January 28th, 2024 – Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Wow, the people who were in the assembly that day must have had some interesting conversations when they left the synagogue and headed for home.  This was not your typical sabbath gathering with just the usual prayers and hymns and message from the rabbi.  As I read and thought about today’s gospel, there were a few questions that came to mind and if you will indulge me, I would like to share these questions with you.

When you come to church ...

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Reflection – December 31st – Feast of the Holy Family

Mary, A Model of Faith

Talk about a jampacked weekend. Sunday we are celebrating Epiphany, and then right back to church on Monday to celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God. I would like to use this reflection to focus on Mary, and what a model of faith she is for all of us. The Solemnity of Mary, from the church in Canada’s pointof view, carries a great deal of importance as it is one of only twoholy ...

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Reflection – November 26th, 2023 – Christ the King Sunday

Fear or Love – What is our Starting Point?

As I sit to write this reflection I am just back in the office after one week’s holidays.  While it is always nice to have some time to relax and re-energize, the one thing a week’s holiday makes crystal clear to me is that I am nowhere near ready for retirement.  While my birth certificate is telling me that I am coming to a time in my life where that will be ...

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