Be careful what you wish for. That’s what popped into my head on reading the Gospel this week.
It’s a little startling to hear the request James and John make of Jesus – this apparent grab for power. Even more startling if you read the verses prior to the ones we hear proclaimed from Mark’s Gospel.
“You do not know what you are asking,” Jesus says. But in fact, they SHOULD know what they are asking, …
Bridging us from the great 50-day season of Easter to Ordinary Time, are a couple of significant feast days in the Church’s liturgical calendar. One of these is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity or Trinity Sunday, which we celebrate today. In the eyes of the Church, “a solemnity is a feast day of the highest rank, celebrating a mystery of faith.” In other words, a solemnity is kind of a big deal.
The Trinity …
Today we begin the holiest week in the Church’s calendar, aptly entitled Holy Week. Despite being seen by many Christians as such, it is not Christmas but Easter, which is the highpoint of the Church’s liturgical year. In a few days we will celebrate Triduum – Three Days that commemorate the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ and move us from Lent to this great season of Easter. Triduum is a three-part continuous liturgy – Holy Thursday, Good Friday and …
Jonah was a reluctant prophet to put it mildly. In that short book of the bible, a mere four chapters, we read his story. In the proclaimed excerpt, we do not hear of his initial reluctance to take on the task which God calls him to. Jonah was the guy who ended up in the belly of the big fish, traditionally a whale, when he is thrown overboard by the sailors of the ship he has taken to elude …
Christ the King Sunday, and Matthew provides us a description of king: one who looks after ‘the least of these brothers and sisters’ when they are hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, imprisoned, strangers. Or one who may himself be experiencing some of that. Hard for us to reconcile our image of kingship with the image Matthew offers … no signs of palaces, crowns, riches in these images.
Through Baptism, we become part of the Body of Christ, …
was in high school (a Roman Catholic all girls high school) and dating the
captain of the boys’ Roman Catholic high school hockey team. There was an eagerly anticipated big game
scheduled for the weekend. However, I
was in the school choir, who were in the midst of the Kiwanis Music Festival,
kind of a big deal in music circles in St. John’s, NL in the 1970’s. Our director, who knew a thing or two about
teenage girls, …
In the mid 1990’s, singer Joan Osborne sang What If God Was One of Us, which asked
the question: “If you were faced with Him in all His glory, What would you
ask if you had just one question?”
Then, and now, I am with Solomon – understanding and wisdom.
When charged by God with “Ask what I
should give you,” Solomon responds “an understanding mind to govern
your people able to discern between good …
is a quote that I use frequently when sleep does not come. This week has been one of those weeks. We are being battered, and though important
to put it in perspective, remembering that others have suffered much worse for
far longer, the tragedies are relentless.
Every week there is something else.
Poor Nova Scotia; I’m not sure how much more they can take.
“Remember, I am with you always, to the end of the …
Where does one begin, as we sit where we sit right
now? Two weeks ago, we watched with
interest as Covid-19 continued to spread.
I, ashamed as I am to admit it today, was one of the naysayers – ‘the
media is blowing this out of proportion.’
Yet, now here we are, a country – nay a world as there seems not to be
one country in the world that has not been affected – watching, waiting,
hoping, despairing, …
“This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine …”
The new decade has not started well. While January 1st dawned filled
with hope and promise as all New Year’s seem to, much has happened in the few
short weeks since to bring hope crashing down.
Australia continues to burn; three days into the year, an Iranian
general is killed on orders from an American president, leading to the death of
176 innocent …