Homily – Maundy Thursday – April 6th, 2023

We have begun the Triduum, the three holiest days of our lives. The Gospel begins with, “Jesus knew his hour had come.” Over the next three days we do not simply follow Jesus with our eyes. Rather, we see the meaning of our own lives as reliving what he lived. The hour of our lives has also come.

The first reading, from the Book of Exodus, is a story of our ancestors in faith, the Hebrew people, who also knew their hour had come. That reading is ...

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Reflection – Easter: A Season of Savoring

Christmas and Easter are the high points of the liturgical year for Christians.  No doubt about it.  Yet, they are not stand-alone holidays.  Christmas and Easter are part of a pattern which looks like this: prepare-celebrate-savor.

In Advent, we prepare for the birth of Christ.  At Christmas we celebrate Jesus’ coming.  And since the coming of Christ into our world is so important, we need to savor it until the last day of the Christmas Season, that is, until the Feast ...

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Homily – Passion Sunday – April 2nd, 2023

There is a sentence spoken at the end of that long gospel reading that, in my mind, seems to be misplaced for a couple of reasons. After Jesus breathes his last on the cross, the centurion says, “Truly this man was God’s Son!” It seems misplaced firstly because this profound truth was not spoken by one of Jesus’ closest followers, that is, by one of the Apostles or one of the women.  It was spoken by a soldier, who certainly ...

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Reflection – At the end of the day, it’s all about love

How quickly life can change.  That is never more apparent than in the two readings we hear this morning from Matthew’s Gospel.  In the first, Jesus is the toast of the town as he enters Jerusalem.  Crowds are gathering to offer praise, going so far as to spread their cloaks on the road.  By the time we get to the second Gospel, crowds have again gathered (probably a lot of the same people), but for an entirely different purpose.  The ...

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Homily – 5th Sunday of Lent – March 26th, 2023

I mentioned last weekend how you could not become a member of the Early Church unless you had some knowledge of the story of the Woman at the Well (two Sundays ago), the story of the Man Born Blind (last Sunday), and the story of the Raising of Lazarus (today’s story). Catechists, those who were a little bit more adept, led those who were inept into these stories, led them out of these stories, and help them to apply these ...

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Reflection – God’s Timing

Back in 2017, I was responsible for the reflection for this same Sunday – the Lazarus story.  I wrote, “I am the resurrection and the light, and whoever believes in me, though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.”  These are the words that can sustain us at a time when we are vulnerable to feelings of shock, numbness, sadness, loneliness, helplessness, anger – all part of the grieving process for those ...

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Homily – 4th Sunday of Lent – March 19th, 2023

Apparently, in the Early Church, you could not be welcomed into the Church, through baptism, unless you were guided into the spiritual insights of the story of the Samaritan woman at the well (last Sunday’s gospel), the story of the man born blind (today’s gospel), and the story of the raising of Lazarus (next Sunday’s gospel).  Sponsors or mentors guided you into these stories, guided you out of these stories, and helped you to apply these stories to your own life. 

Isn’t ...

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Reflection – Embracing Blindness

Jesus’ disciples asked, “who sinned, this man or his parents that he was born blind?’  I hear some variation on this question almost every week in the hospital. “What did I do to deserve this?’ ‘Why are we being punished?” “What should I have done differently?”  When bad things happen, most of us look for something that will make life seem fair and, perhaps even more important, predictable.  We want to be able to see what is coming so that ...

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Reflection – Who is my neighbour?

When Jesus replied to a religious student asking, “Who is my neighbor?” the story of the Good Samaritan was given to all of us.  In today’s gospel from John, another story about a Samaritan is told.   What do these stories tell us about our faith and how does our faith guide us?

A letter from Archbishop Valery Vienneau back in December of 2014 states, “the dwindling number of practicing Catholics forces us to reconsider our priorities as Christian communities whose primary ...

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Homily – 2nd Sunday of Lent – March 5th, 2023

For all their goodness, intelligence, and enthusiasm, many in the younger generation lack patience. For the most part, they see little or no value in “delayed gratification.” In time they will learn, what we all had to learn, that some things really are worth waiting for. Learning this lesson will be particularly painful and frustrating for the generation who grew up in a world of fast food, high-speed internet, and smart phones. With the invention of the credit card in ...

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