Reflection – Listen! Do You Want to Know a Secret?

For the weeks leading up to Lent, those of us at St. Elizabeth of the Trinity have been listening to Fr. Phil remind us what Jesus was trying to tell us through his Sermon on the Mount: that we are to be light, salt and blessing to the world; in fact, that we are light, salt and blessing.  Then as we entered  Lent we heard that our temptation is not to believe or live that.  This Sunday, the story of ...

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Homily – 1st Sunday of Lent – February 26th, 2023

We spent the last four weeks on the mountain listening to Jesus deliver what we traditionally call the “Sermon on the Mount.” If you recall, it all began with Jesus ascending the mountain not to look down on us, but to get us to look up. He ascended the mountain to tell us the truth about who we are from God’s perspective. We are blessedness, salt and light, and we are challenged to let the blessedness, salt and light work in our ...

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Homily – Ash Wednesday – February 22nd, 2023

One of the most powerful rituals I ever experienced was not one of the Church’s sacraments nor did it happen in a church building. It was a ritual I experienced on a Men’s Rite of Passage Retreat. One entire day of the retreat was dedicated to the topic of grief and how we experience it or, to our own detriment, avoid it. The ritual involved lots and lots of ashes. We laid in them, we knelt in them, we poured them over ...

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Reflection – The Angels Among Us

As our Church enters into the desert period of its Liturgical year, I feel as though the world around me is entering into its fourth full, 365-days-a-year-tour through its own Lenten wilderness.  Much of what I thought I knew, or took for granted, has been turned upside-down, sometimes in good ways but also in bad ways.

During Lent, Christians know there is a journey ahead, but we also know we are headed into a certain celebration of life, light, and resurrection. ...

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Homily – 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time – February 19th, 2023

I remember, when my mother was still alive, she wouldn’t let us get away with anything. She was as they say, “honest as the day is long.” One time, when I was 17 years old, she was a passenger with me as I stopped to gas up the car. That was when you could drive all week on $20 dollars-worth of gas and still have money to spare. I did my best, on that particular fill up, to stop the ...

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Reflection – May We See the Sacredness in Each Other

This week’s readings are the most challenging yet. With so much going on in the world today and so many of us having problems with our spirituality, it makes you wonder what is next.

The statement in the first reading makes you realize that we are holy because we were created in the image of God. This holiness that is given to us in baptism, is our gift that carries us through life with a caring heart.

A caring heart doesn’t discriminate ...

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Homily – 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time – February 12th, 2023

We continue, for the third week, to be on Mount of Beatitudes where Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount. We started off by saying the Beatitude are ways of seeing. Jesus wants us to see and love in ourselves what God sees and loves in us. What God sees and loves in us is blessedness, salt, and light.  In the Beatitudes, Jesus says “blessed are you” eight times, and then he gives us two more truths about ourselves: “You are the ...

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Reflection – We Need a New Story

From time to time, a man, a woman, and occasionally a child, will emerge in the Church to remind us that prophets still walk among us.  Prophets, whether within the Church or beyond its boundaries, are often ahead of their time, misunderstood, and suffer ridicule and indifference.  More often than not, they are appreciated only after they are long dead.  Prophets point us to a larger reality where we can situate our lives and our decisions, both good and bad. ...

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Homily – 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time – February 5th, 2023

We heard in the opening line of last week’s gospel passage: When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up the mountain. He spoke to us from the mountain in what we traditionally call the Sermon on the Mount. This sermon begins with the Beatitudes where Jesus told us, no less than eight times, “Blessed are you.” We said that the first four beatitudes tell us that we have transcendence power. In other words, there is a power within us that ...

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Reflection – Let’s give them something to talk about

Many years ago, I read a quote that said (and I paraphrase), “Give people a reputation they will want to live up to.”  Since then, I have tried to make this a motto for my life and to live it as best I could.  To say that I was 100% successful in doing this would be to give myself a reputation I have not lived up to.  In one of our R.C.I.A. sessions last year, we were talking about the ...

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