Homily – May 19th, 2024 – Pentecost Sunday

The Church’s prayer for 2, 000 years has been, “Come, Holy Spirit.” The Spirit’s answer in all that time has never changed, “I am here. I have always been here.” This story comes from an autobiographical novel by Bryce Courtenay called The Power of One. It reminds me of Pentecost.

It takes place in South Africa in the late 1930s. It starts off with an emphasis on a little boy who is 6 years old, and he is an English boy. ...

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Reflection – May 19th, 2024 – Pentecost


“There came a sound like the rush of a violent wind…”(Acts 2)  and  He breathed on them and said to them “Receive the Holy Spirit…'”  

                                                     Air and Life

For the ancients there were four elements, not the ninety plus that science now teaches.

Those four were air, water, fire and earth.  Today, Pentecost, I will concentrate on ...

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Homily – May 12th, 2024 – The Ascension of the Lord

Twenty-one years ago, when I was young and foolish, I hopped in the car and drove 3,600 km to go to a retreat center in Tucson, Arizona. It was in the middle of the Sonoran Desert, surrounded by giant cactus plants, some with arms stretching 25 feet into the air. In each of the retreatants’ rooms was the standard bed, desk, chair and a lamp. I had been on retreats before. So, I knew there would be a piece of ...

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Reflection – May 12th, 2024 – Ascension of the Lord

Living in Hope

And just like that, it is Mother’s Day again. As always at this time of year, my mother is much on my mind. She had an abundance of wisdom sayings – some were her own pearls, and some the words of others which resonated with her. A favourite was “Live in hope or die in despair.”  That sprang to mind today as I was reflecting on St. Paul’s letters to the Ephesians. At the time of writing this, ...

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Homily – May 5th, 2024 – 6th Sunday of Easter

This gospel reading is a continuation of the gospel reading from last Sunday. Last Sunday, Jesus told us to abide in him, to remain in him, so that our lives would bear fruit. In today’s reading, Jesus is putting a little different spin on things. He’s telling us to abide in his love so that his joy may be in us and that our new-found joy will be complete. Complete joy is not a joy that is fleeting. Rather, complete ...

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Reflection – May 5th, 2024 – Sixth Sunday of Easter

Faithful Servants

After studying the readings for today I wondered how I could possibly say anything about love that has not already been said more eloquently by greater theological minds. I could have used many personal examples such as family and friends, or one of the many folks I encounter who consistently radiate joy, kindness and love. Lately though, my two dogs have been demanding a great deal of my energy, time and resources, so I am going to tell you ...

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Homily – April 28th, 2024 – Fifth Sunday of Easter

When we experience the best things in life, we don’t have words to describe those things. We stand there with our mouths open, and we are at a loss for words; it’s just that good. Equally true, when we experience the worst things in life, we go numb. We lose words. All we can do is weep. Tears replace words.

When it comes to our faith, especially in our feeble attempts to describe what God is like, we just know our ...

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Reflection – April 28th, 2024 – Fifth Sunday of Easter

Singing in the Assembly

When we come together to celebrate Eucharist we are asked to do something we are seldom (if ever) asked to do elsewhere. Some of us find it difficult or we think we are not capable. Or we think that it is something that only women (if we are men) or children (if we are adults) or professionals (if we are not) should do. Some of us don’t even think about it at all; we simply don’t ...

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Homily – April 21st, 2024 – Fourth Sunday of Easter

The gospel story we just heard is a contrast between a true shepherd who is willing to lay down his life for his sheep and a hired hand who runs away when danger comes. It’s really not a story about shepherding sheep, which I know nothing about. It’s a story about caring for the people God has put on our life’s journey. Jesus is the good shepherd not because he talks about some abstract, idealized shepherd who lays down his ...

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Reflection – April 21st, 2024 – Fourth Sunday of Easter

Who is God For You?

Well, we are halfway through the Easter season.  This is the Fourth Sunday of Easter, and four Sundays from now we will celebrate Pentecost.  One of the characteristics of this season is the celebration of initiation sacraments.  In our parish grouping we had an adult baptism at the Easter Vigil, and we have first communion and confirmation celebrations coming up in the next few Sundays.  There is much preparation that occurs prior to the celebration of ...

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