Reflection – Soul and Spirit….But Mostly Soul

For most of my life I used the terms “soul” and “spirit” interchangeably, as if they meant the same thing.  I have since learned there is a difference.  Our souls refer to the depth dimension of ourselves, a reality that can only be accessed by some kind of descent (going down).  In your soul, you are absolutely unique, a one-of-a-kind creation never to be replicated.  If you listen to your soul, you will discover God’s plan for your life, a plan that nobody else is entrusted with in ...

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Homily – 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time – September 19th, 2021

Although the Son of Man is guided by the hand of God, he will be killed by human hands. Jesus has come to terms with that; the disciples clearly have not. The problem, with the way the disciples are thinking, is the same problem with the way the disciples were thinking in last Sunday’s gospel when Jesus said, “Get behind me. For you are thinking not as God does, but as humans do.” I always thought we were humans and, therefore, it ...

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Reflection – Let the Children Come to Me

“Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me.”     Mark 9: 37

Anyone who has ever come to church with young children in tow knows what a harrowing experience it can be for the parents.  Depending on their age, there can be all kinds of encouraging words spoken by the parents to the child(ren) on the journey to church to impress upon them the importance of ...

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Homily – 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time – September 12th, 2021

Back in the mid-1980s, I had a part-time job to help pay my way through university. (Now you need 12 part-time jobs just to pay for one semester, but that’s another story). My boss, at the time, occasionally dropped a pearl of wisdom on my lap. One day he said something so profound that I’m still pondering it 35 years later. Ready? Here it comes. He said, “Every day, I have to shave.” That’s it. Why would I remember that? ...

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Reflection – Faith IS Action

In today’s Second Reading, James teaches that faith must be demonstrated in one’s works. “What good is it, if you say you have faith, but do not have works?  If a brother or sister is without clothing and lacks daily food and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and eat your fill’ and yet you do not supply their bodily needs, what is the good of that?  So, faith by itself, if it has no ...

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Homily – 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – September 5th, 2021

Geography plays an important role in Gospel stories. It’s a little late for some of you who should have paid more attention in geography class back in high school. Don’t feel so bad. In the official high school transcript, my grade in the last semester of high school geography, was a zero. I actually scored 100%, but the column where they registered the grades could only take two digits, so they decided to give me the last two digits. I ...

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Homily – 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – August 29th, 2021

I suppose if we were like many Protestant churches and had a sign outside advertising the title of this Sunday’s sermon, it would probably read: Be doers of the word, and not merely hearers who deceive themselves. That is a direct quote from the second reading, from the Letter of St. James. The deception, James is referring to, is that we deceive ourselves into thinking that we can live the Christian life without any inner conversion. If we hear the word of God, and think that’s good ...

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Homily – 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time – August 22nd, 2021

I think the three greatest gifts God ever gave us are: the gift of our very own lives, the gift of God’s life in the form of Jesus of Nazareth, and the gift of free will (the ability to make choices, good or bad. We are not robots programmed by God; we are autonomous beings). I would like to focus a bit on this third gift, our freedom in making choices, because it seems to be the focus of both ...

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Homily – The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – August 15th, 2021

The foundations of the Father’s Kingdom are laid, but the construction is still on-going.  He wills to extend his Kingdom’s borders and gather more and more people into it. And do you think God is doing it on his own?  He could have done it on his own, but God wanted you and me to participate in his work: to build up God’s kingdom, to bring more and more people into his friendship, so that they follow him and find the meaning ...

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Homily – 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time – August 8th, 2021

Once again, the first reading is rich in meaning but needs to be put into context if we are to draw that meaning out and apply it to our lives here and now. Elijah, the main character, is a prophet of God who lived about 800 years before the birth of Jesus. At that time, the Jewish king, Ahab, had married a pagan woman named Jezebel. (That should have been the first indication that there was going to be trouble ...

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