Homily – July 5th, 2020 – 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

There are two Old Testament prophets of the O.T. who had particularly keen and powerful visions of a Messiah who was to come. One is the Prophet Isaiah that we hear a lot about during Advent. He lived about 700 years before the birth of Jesus. He speaks about what seems to be impossible scenarios like a lion and lamb lying down together (lions eat lambs the last time I checked); a baby putting his hand in a snake’s den and the snake not harming it ...

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Reflection – Ordinary Time & Saints

Each time we celebrate Eucharist together, we are reminded that we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses, a cloud of Saints.  In the Apostles’ Creed, which we profess each Sunday, we say, “I believe in the communion of saints.”  In other words, we believe in an eternal bond between us and all those who have gone before us, between Saints and saints in the making. We invoke the Saints in each Eucharistic Prayer: And so, with the Angels and ...

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Homily – June 28th, 2020 – 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Within this Sunday’s three readings there are a couple of themes which dovetail well with each other, themes prominent in our Christian life. Theme one is dying and being buried with Christ in baptism, and theme two is about hospitality.

The first reading and gospel have to do with hospitality. We hear in the Book of Kings about a wealthy woman who welcomes the prophet Elisha into her house and something good happens to her as a result. In the same vein of welcoming, Jesus, ...

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Reflection – Don’t Tell Me, Show Me!

I always like to imagine myself being in the group of people Jesus is addressing when I read passages of Scripture like we see in today’s Gospel.  We are told that Jesus is speaking to his Apostles, a group who have come to know him pretty well and, by this time, have grown somewhat accustomed to the challenges he places before them.  Having said that, if I were tucked away in the corner of the room listening, I would be somewhat put-out, to say the least.  I ...

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Homily – June 21st, 2020 – 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time

In the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament), and particularly in the Book of Exodus, there is a strong emphasis on “remembering.” Moses, speaking the words of God, would often say: Remember the Lord brought you out of slavery and provided you with manna and water as you journeyed through the desert. Remember to keep the Sabbath holy. Remember that you were slaves at one time so never mistreat anyone under you.

Remembering is so important in faith. Jesus said, “Do this in remembrance of me.” That is ...

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Reflection – Do Not Be Afraid

In the Gospel for this Sunday it states that Jesus said to His apostles, “Fear no one; for nothing is covered up that will not be uncovered, and nothing secret that will not become known. What I say to you in the dark, tell in the light; and what you hear whispered, proclaim from the housetops. Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.”  In saying these words, Jesus describes the worth of human beings in the eyes of God, who ...

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Homily – June 14th, 2020 – Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ

On this Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, a strange thing is happening, both in the readings and in our lives. As you get older and you grow in your knowledge of who Christ is more and more, you simultaneously grow in self-knowledge. This true self, who you are in God, and not who others want you to be or some persona of who you would like to be, was given at conception and takes a lifetime to discover. Discovering the true God and ...

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Reflection – The Journey May Be Long But We Will Be Fed

“Remember the long way that the Lord your God has led you these 40 years in the wilderness …” These words from today’s reading from Deuteronomy struck me in a particular way this week.  I have driven across the Sinai Peninsula; even walking in family groups, you would need to go “the long way” in order to take 40 years to make the trip!  We are told that God chose this long way in order to humble the people and test what was in their hearts. ...

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Homily – June 7th, 2020 – Holy Trinity Sunday

Worldwide, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity today. Theologians, saints, and mystics have tried to describe the Trinity, three persons in one God, in various ways. St. Patrick apparently used the cloverleaf as his teaching tool. Others have used the comparison of H2O; water comes in the forms of a gas, a liquid, and a solid. As helpful as descriptions are, they are not what people really want in life. People do not want a description of Trinity as much as they want ...

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