Message in a Bottle #7

We continue the journey of living our faith amidst a pandemic. Provincial health officials are loosening, ever so slowly, some of the restrictions we have all been living under. Premier Higgs even suggested church services can resume outdoors albeit with cars spaced a safe distance apart. Bishop Vienneau is not moving in that direction, as we would still not be able to share in Communion and having a “drive-thru” Mass would trivialize the sacrament.  I agree.

As we await the day when we can all gather together again ...

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Reflection – You Can Do It!

Our faith, based on the gospel reading for this Sunday, tells us that God does not love the world in some big, bland, generic way. God’s love is particular and concrete. Love that is not concrete is not love at all. Love is about this particular young man (not all men) whose addiction is costing our family dearly. Love considers this particular woman (not all women) who just became a widow. Love takes into account this particular guy, (not all guys) who right now is going through ...

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Faithful Giving

Hi folks!  

While we are still not able to get together in person for Mass, it has been so encouraging to see how many of us have been gathering virtually for services lead by Fr Phil and Fr Charlie. Our parish family is inspirational in how everyone works together to overcome obstacles through prayer and support of each other.

We know this is a difficult time for many of you but, if you are able, we’re asking that you please try ...

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Homily – April 26th, 2020 – 3rd Sunday of Easter

Of the four gospel writers, Luke is by far the best storyteller. And today, we have Luke’s best story. By the way, scholars and archeologists to this day, cannot find, in the Holy Land, this place called Emmaus. They keep unearthing dig after dig, each, as the story tells us, 11 km from Jerusalem, but they still cannot find it. From a storyteller’s point of view, what is important is that these two disciples are going away from Jerusalem. And if you go away from Jerusalem, ...

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Message in a Bottle #6

Just when I thought things could not get worse, with all the suffering COVID-19 has brought the world, things actually did get worse with the mass shooting in Nova Scotia this week. With 23 known dead, what great pain there must be within those families, including the family of the shooter.

When I try to ponder something that is either too good or too bad, my mind boggles, and I lose words.  Even wordsmiths—writers, poets, and songwriters—often cannot find words. When words fail, then symbols, images, and rituals become ...

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Reflection – How Are You Today?

In the midst of the strangest Easter season I have ever experienced comes the familiar story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus.  As I have mentioned before in these reflections, I have always viewed biblical figures as ordinary folks (like you and me) who are witness to things that are extra-ordinary.  Some are able to see the significance of the moment immediately and others only in hindsight.  As we meet the two disciples walking and talking along the road to Emmaus, I would invite you to ...

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Homily – April 19th, 2020 – Divine Mercy Sunday

It had been a terrible few days, days that went from triumph to execution, from hope to disaster, from faithfulness to betrayal, from bravado to cowardice; all seemed lost and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews. If they had executed the leader, why would they not do the same to his followers? Imagine the conversations of the disciples, imagine the feelings they were experiencing – guilt, remorse, fear, maybe even rage – and into all that ...

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Message in a Bottle #5

The Resurrected Lord told his disciples to remain in Jerusalem and to wait for his spirit to come to them, a spirit he promised them at the Last Supper, a spirit that would clothe them with power from on high (see Luke 24:49, Acts 1:4). Waiting is easier said than done. Waiting implies we remain in the same spot, even, and especially, when we would rather be elsewhere.

With the coronavirus severely curbing what we can do and who we can visit, we are forced to ...

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Reflection – Yes, We Can!

This week, the readings for the 2nd Sunday of Easter have a theme of “doubt,” as evidenced by Thomas who could not believe that Jesus was alive unless he saw proof.  We all have moments of doubt, uncertainties, confusion, disbelief, hopelessness, selfishness and frustrations. Henri Nouwen has stated that, “Doubt stubbornly exists.  It’s an unmistakable part of life that we can’t seem to get rid of. We doubt ourselves; we doubt whether or not we’ve made the right decisions, we’re full of doubts about the future. ...

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Homily – April 12th – Easter Sunday

All liturgical celebrations, not just Sunday Mass, have one theme. That one theme is the death and resurrection of the Lord, or what we theologically call the “Paschal Mystery.” You may have also heard the paschal mystery referred as the “Easter Mystery” or the “Christ-event.” When we celebrate a baptism, we are celebrating the paschal mystery. The candidate enters the baptismal font (the tomb) and joins with Christ in his death but also emerges from those same waters and so joins Christ in his resurrection. When we ...

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