Posts Tagged '31st Sunday'

Reflection – November 5th, 2023 – 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

On Consulting the Faithful

In his “Apologia Pro Vita Sua” John Henry (Cardinal) Newman explained that he converted to Catholicism because he recognized that the Catholic Church was the closest to that of St. Athanasius.  I was inspired by Newman’s sentiment and chose “The Logos in the Theology of Athanasius” to be the topic of my PhD dissertation.  Life got in the way and I never completed it.

However, I also learned that after his conversion Newman narrowly missed being excommunicated for ...

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Homily – November 5th, 2023 – 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

There are a couple of warning shots fire over our heads in the readings today. They warn us against hypocrisy. The first shot is taken by the prophet Malachi. Even though Malachi lived about 500 years before Jesus, notice how his words are similar to Jesus’ words. Malachi says, “O priests, this command is for you. Your hearts don’t give me glory. You’ve corrupted the covenant of Levi, and you cause many to stumble by your instructions.” Jesus, 500 years ...

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