Posts Tagged 'fifth sunday'

Reflection – February 9th, 2025 – 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Ordinary Miracles

A scant four weeks ago the Church returned to Ordinary Time, by far its longest liturgical season, making up two thirds of the Church year.  Ordinary Time … one would think nothing significant happens when we are in the midst of the ordinary.  We think of ordinary as drab, boring, mundane. Yet most of us live in primarily ordinary, humdrum ways. And too often, we waste those days anticipating our next big adventure.  Have we missed something, I wonder? 

After ...

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Homily – April 28th, 2024 – Fifth Sunday of Easter

When we experience the best things in life, we don’t have words to describe those things. We stand there with our mouths open, and we are at a loss for words; it’s just that good. Equally true, when we experience the worst things in life, we go numb. We lose words. All we can do is weep. Tears replace words.

When it comes to our faith, especially in our feeble attempts to describe what God is like, we just know our ...

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Reflection – April 28th, 2024 – Fifth Sunday of Easter

Singing in the Assembly

When we come together to celebrate Eucharist we are asked to do something we are seldom (if ever) asked to do elsewhere. Some of us find it difficult or we think we are not capable. Or we think that it is something that only women (if we are men) or children (if we are adults) or professionals (if we are not) should do. Some of us don’t even think about it at all; we simply don’t ...

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Reflection – March 17th, 2024 – 5th Sunday of Lent

A few years ago, someone close to me learned through DNA testing that one of the parents who raised her was not a biological parent. This sent waves of shock through her family, in part because half her DNA was from an entirely different race of people with a different language and culture. “Your ancestry DNA certainly sounds more interesting than mine,” was my response, which I now know was cavalier, given the personal and emotional upheavel she was experiencing. ...

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Homily – February 4, 2024 – Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

As always, a little bit of context might help us enter into these Scripture readings. In the Mediterranean world, the world where Jesus walked the earth, the world where all our books of the Bible emerged from—in that world every gift carried the expectation of a gift in return. However, don’t think of it as a tit-for-tat world where you only return a favor to those who have shown you favor, or where you only love those who have shown ...

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Reflection – February 4th, 2024 – Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Breaths of Life

Patience is not one of my virtues.  Lack of it is probably one of my more glaring faults.  While I have spent much time in my life praying for patience, persuaded to continue to do so by a priest friend when I was about to give up (or run the risk, he felt, of losing my trust in God’s willingness to respond to our prayers 😊) that particular prayer has not, as yet, been answered. 

The first reading ...

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