Homily – The Solemnity of Mary – January 1st, 2022

You may know the name Victor Frankl. This Austrian was a neurologist, a psychiatrist, a philosopher, and a writer—one of Europe’s brightest minds. But he may be best known as a Holocaust survivor. He survived various Nazi concentration camps during the Second World War and shared that experience in his best-selling book Man’s Search for Meaning. After his miraculous survival, he went on to give talks all over the world. When in front of American audiences, he was fond of ...

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Reflection – Mary, A Model of Faith

Talk about a jampacked weekend.   Saturday we are celebrating the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God, and then right back to church on Sunday to celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord.  I would like to use this reflection to focus on Mary, and what a model of faith she is for all of us.

The Solemnity of Mary, from the church in Canada’s point of view, carries a great deal of importance as it is one of only two holy days ...

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Homily – Feast of the Holy Family – December 26th, 2021

A wife once said, “My husband would climb mountains, swim lakes, and crawl through deserts to show his love for me, but I divorced him…because he was never home!” I know that was a joke, but the first part of the joke paints a picture of a very committed, faithful, and dedicated husband who would go to any lengths for his wife. These Scripture readings given to us today, on the Feast of the Holy Family are also about commitment, ...

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Homily – Christmas Day

The scripture passages the Church gives us on Christmas morning are very different than the passages we hear on Christmas Eve. As you noticed in this morning’s gospel reading, there is no journey to Bethlehem, no descending of angels from the heavenly realm, no shepherds, no Joseph, no Mary, and no baby Jesus. 

The four gospel writers all have different starting points in their attempt to tell us the Jesus story. The Gospel according to Mark starts us off with an ...

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Homily – Christmas Eve

These familiar Christmas scripture stories are the same ones we hear year after year after year. Yet, there is always something new—usually a new meaning—that emerges and makes me wonder, “How come I never thought of that before?” I suppose it has something to do with our changing perspective as we age. We see differently at 50 than we did at 30.  It only makes sense.  Imagine the scriptures as being a diamond. With each passing year, you move one step clockwise ...

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Reflection – Family

When I was studying theology at Fordham in 1964, a professor told us an anecdote from the diary of a 
19th Century missionary to the Far North.  The professor said that it is a principle of anthropology that the more remote a society is from the centres of civilization, the farther back in time it can lead us.  When the missionary priest explained to the people the connection between sex and babies they laughed.  How ridiculous, they said.  Look at how often ...

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Homily – Fourth Sunday of Advent

When we want to find prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament), it’s not a bad idea to turn to the Prophet Isaiah, who lived some 700+ years before the birth of Jesus. But apart from major prophets like Isaiah, Elijah, and Jeremiah, God also uses minor prophets, like Micah, whom we heard from in that first reading. And then, as if to make the point that anyone and everyone—prophet or not–can be used to bring about God’s Kingdom, God ...

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Reflection – When We Believe

What do we believe? If we allow the words we effortlessly recite at every Sunday Eucharist during the Creed to resonate within us, we should know.   In this Sunday’s Gospel for the 4th Sunday of Advent, Elizabeth says of Mary, “Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord.”  Blessed is she who believed.  That resonates with me this week.

It has been a tough week for our province – ...

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Homily – Third Sunday of Advent – December 12th, 2021

I have not met this person, but I have read a small fraction of her work. Her name is Paula D’Arcy, and a few of her roles in life is that she is a mother, a widow, an author, a retreat leader, and a grief counselor. Back in 1975 when Paula was 27, police officers, out of the blue, came to her door to tell her that her husband and 21-month-old daughter had been tragically killed in a car accident. ...

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Homily – Advent Reconciliation Preparation

As I see it, the problem with sin is not so much the sin itself, but it’s the remembering and identifying with the sin. That’s the problem. What does it mean to say Jesus is the sinless one? I think it means he never identifies with sin. He never holds himself to past mistakes. And because he never holds himself to the past he has no need to hold others to their past sins.

We can learn from our past sins ...

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