Here are some helpful hints about knowing if God is calling you to a certain ministry in the Church or not. These steps could also apply to any decision in life, but let’s limit ourselves to liturgical and non-liturgical ministries within our own parish.
At the outset, let us take comfort in the fact that we are never alone in having to figure out God’s will in our lives. This assurance comes to us in the last words of Matthew’s …
As we spy the half-way marker on our Lenten journey, it might be good to recall the words that started this journey on Ash Wednesday. These same words will see us through to Easter Sunday and beyond: “Repent and believe the Good News.” More than words they are an invitation us to do an about-face, turning from what is penultimate, not fulfilling, not life-giving to what is ultimate, enduring and life-giving. In Biblical parlance, it is about turning from death …
This is a follow-up to the Federal Liberal’s letter of attestation I mentioned at the end of last weekend’s liturgies. As you know, the Canadian Government will no longer give grants through the Canada Summer Job program unless the group applying for the grant attests to being pro-choice. Pro-choice is the ideology that professes that there is parity between life and death, that choosing one is just as good as choosing the other. Nothing can be further from …
Welcoming the Stranger
When I can still myself long enough during the Christmas season, questions like the following always seem to surface: Who is this One laying in a manger? Who was Jesus? What difference did his coming make in my life and the life of the world? Questions about Jesus inevitably lead me to God. There will always be a dimension of God, or many dimensions, that will defy easy answers. I can never, try as I …