Reflection – With love, there are no boundaries

Today’s reading is about Jesus who died to give us life.  The Eucharist is a great gift of Love for us in the image of the body and blood of Christ.  Jesus said, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven, whoever eats this bread will live forever.”

This sacrament of love is given to us to receive the very person of the risen Christ.  This is food for our faith journey. The spiritual nourishment we receive in the ...

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Homily – The Most Holy Trinity – June 4th, 2023

There is a part of us that prefers neatly packaged, clearcut answers over and against going on journeys to seek answers. And usually the answers we prefer, if we are honest, are the ones that justify a position we already hold and are not willing to budge from. That way we don’t have to change or grow or consider another opinion but just sit in our self-constructed security and always see the world out of the same lens. Jesus never ...

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Reflection – May They All Be One

If you have ever accompanied a person approaching their own death, you know the words they share with you are among the most important words you will ever hear from them.  When someone is withing hours or days of death, what preoccupies their hearts and minds tends not to be about last night’s Blue Jays game or the price of broccoli.  They want to make things right.  It’s their last chance to say what they always wanted to say.  They ...

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Homily – Pentecost Sunday – May 28th, 2023

The feast of Pentecost is part of our Judeo-Christian heritage.  It was a Jewish festival long before it was celebrated as a Christian feast.  For our Jewish ancestors in faith, Pentecost was called the Festival of Weeks.  It was a week (7 days) of weeks (7 days) plus one day, totaling 50 days.  In the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) Pentecost was celebrated 50 days after the great Feast of Passover.  It was a festival celebrating the first harvest of grain.  With the harvest in mind, you ...

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Reflection – Eventually, words need to become actions…

“Peace be with you.  As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”

It has been mentioned to me by wife on more than one occasion that she may need to point out a task that needs to be done more than once to get any results.  Guilty as charged in some instances.  If I am being honest, the tasks I don’t tackle right away are the ones I either don’t want to do, or don’t feel I can ...

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Homily – The Ascension of the Lord – May 21st, 2023

I’ve had the good fortune to make two pilgrimages to the Holy Land. My advice, first to myself and then to those traveling with me, was the same both times– honor the event not so much the place. For example, we will never know, with absolute certainty, the exact spot where Jesus was born. That’s not important. What’s important is the event, the inbreaking of God into our world in human flesh. It makes no difference whether Jesus was born ...

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Reflection – Through us today, the world can know….

Today, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. After forty days (a number indicating preparation in the Bible) Jesus ascended into Heaven, leaving the mission of the church under the care of the Apostles, and promising to send the Holy Spirit as their guide on Pentecost (which we will celebrate next Sunday).  I remember as a very young girl, picturing Jesus ascending into the clouds and I naively thought that if I could get above the clouds, ...

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Homily – 6th Sunday of Easter – May 14th, 2023

The first reading throughout the entire Easter Season, if you haven’t already figured it out, is always taken from a book in the Bible called the Acts of the Apostles. They are stories, not always flattering, about how the Church began, survived, and thrived in the absence of Jesus’ physical presence. In order for the Church to get out of the first century, I just have to believe there was and is a Holy Spirit, and that Spirit must have ...

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Reflection – Come and Hear What God Has Done

Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth!
Sing the glory of his name;
Give to him glorious praise.
Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds.”

Three years ago, most of us dreamed of this past week. We didn’t know when it would come, but we thought that when it did, we would all be out dancing in the streets. We expected to be living the words of today’s Psalm as we shouted thanks and sang praises to God.  But the ...

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Homily – 5th Sunday of Easter – May 7th, 2023

When I read and ponder these gospel stories, Jesus always comes across as the model, the archetype, the goal to which I strive.  I believe he is the potential within me, that I never quite reach, and he is also the encouragement within me to keep striving.  Jesus is the complete human being calling me and every human being to be fully human as he was.  In that sense, I can say he is the universal Christ.

On the flip side of the coin, ...

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