Homily – Easter Vigil – April 3rd, 2021

This resurrection story is a story not only of Jesus being raised to new life, but more importantly, it is the story of the movement from fear to love in all of our lives. One thing the gospel writers Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John all have in common when they tell the resurrection story is the chronic mistake of people going to the wrong place. There is always someone in the wrong place telling them to go to the right ...

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Homily – Good Friday – April 2nd, 2021

Although we just heard the passion reading from the gospel writer John, all four gospel writers (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) basically tell the same story but with slightly different emphases. I’m going to draw a little bit from each of them. We are in the year of Mark, which means that almost all of the gospel stories we hear at Sunday Mass, this year, are taken from the Gospel of Mark. I love the opening line of Mark’s Gospel. ...

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Reflection – Good Friday’s Children’s Service

Opening Questions

  • Have you ever been so mad at someone that you just wanted to do something, anything to get them back?
  • Do you have any special things you do to calm yourself down when you are upset?
  • Can you forgive someone who never told you they were sorry?

Two things really jump out at me when I hear the story that Lexie and Karen read for us.  The first one is that Jesus can bring people together, no matter the ...

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Homily – Holy Thursday – April 1st, 2021

There is a big leap of faith asked of Peter and the other apostles in today’s gospel story. Jesus is asking them and, by extension, us to make room for a big change in the way we think. The dominant way for all of us to avoid change in our lives—even change that helps us grow—is to go into our heads. We all do it, and we will all be doing it right up to the day we die. Human ...

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Reflection – O Happy Fault

It was daunting when I realized my turn to write came on Easter Sunday.  I read and studied all seven Readings from the Easter Vigil, the Exultat, the Baptismal Ceremony, the Epistles and Gospels.  The “Exultat” sings in triumph, “O happy fault!” referring to the story in the Garden of Eden and the eating of the fruit of knowledge.  The great Creation hymn that comprises the first reading  (p. 349) is a prayerful reflection upon the knowledge given to Adam ...

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Homily – March 28th, 2021

One thing we can say about all gospel stories—but especially the gospel stories we hear during Holy Week—is that they are very visual. Even if you never had the privilege of being in Jerusalem, you can easily picture the scene of Jesus riding on a donkey and the crowd waving palm branches. So, picture yourself, once again, amidst all the excitement of the voices shouting “Hosana.”

Since all gospel stories are part of the one story of salvation, allow me to ...

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Reflection – Set the Example

Today we begin the holiest week in the Church’s calendar, aptly entitled Holy Week.  Despite being seen by many Christians as such, it is not Christmas but Easter, which is the highpoint of the Church’s liturgical year.  In a few days we will celebrate Triduum – Three Days that commemorate the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ and move us from Lent to this great season of Easter.  Triduum is a three-part continuous liturgy – Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter ...

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Homily – March 21st, 2021

I remember being a kid in the early 1970s and collecting hockey cards much like this Tim Horton card. I also remember playing with them until the corners were damaged and trading with them in the school yard. (Card aficionados now seal them in plastic, keep them in pristine condition, and pray they become rare and valuable). At recess you would look at another kid’s bundle of cards as he rifled through them hoping to find one you could trade ...

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Reflection – Chasing Butterflies

In her book of essays, Wouldn’t Take Nothing for My Journey Now, author and poet Maya Angelou wrote, “I’m always amazed when people walk up to me and say, ‘I’m a Christian.’  I think, ‘Already? You already got it?’ I’m working at it…”

Possibly the most important conversion experience I have encountered personally involved coming to the realization that becoming Christian is a life-long process and while I may experience times of growth, I will never fully “have it.”  I might ...

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Homily – March 14th, 2021

The only thing that separates you from God is the thought that you are separated from God.  It is all in your head (and mine). You cannot be separate from God.  If you lived for one nanosecond separate from God, you would cease to exist.  When you live in that realization, that you are connected to God by a bond that can never be broken, it always feels like surrender. But it’s a good kind of surrender. You will feel ...

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