Reflection – To Be Understood, As To Understand

In the mid 1990’s, singer Joan Osborne sang What If God Was One of Us, which asked the question: “If you were faced with Him in all His glory, What would you ask if you had just one question?”  Then, and now, I am with Solomon – understanding and wisdom. 

When charged by God with “Ask what I should give you,” Solomon responds “an understanding mind to govern your people able to discern between good and evil.”  You have before you a woman who has ...

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Homily – July 19th, 2020 – 16th Sunday in OT

Have you ever wanted to say something biting to someone, but at the last minute decided against it, and later on were really glad that you showed some restraint? Did you ever label someone as an enemy only to discover, with the passage of time, that same person as an ally? Did you ever want to cut someone out of your life, but you did not and were glad you did not burn what would later become an important bridge in your life? These readings, especially ...

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Reflection – Stories and Gardens

Do you have a favourite book you read on a regular or semi-regular basis? I do this with Angela’s Ashes, by Frank McCourt. I will not tell you how many times I have read it, but it is many, and I have learned that with each reading, different aspects of the book stand out for me depending on what is occurring in my own little world. “How could I not have noticed that before, it’s right there!?”

Maybe there is ...

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Homily – July 12th, 2020 – 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Parable of the Sower of the Seeds is one of the classic parables.  Parables seemed to be Jesus’ preferred way of teaching.  All parables, including today’s, have these four things in common: 1) They always bring out a truth, not a scientific or historical, more a mythical truth.  Think of when you were a child and your parents read you a fairy tale.  They were not true as far as talking foxes go or trolls living under bridges go, ...

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Reflection – Ten Steps to Starting a Vegetable Garden

I’ve recently started gardening and I’ve planted flowers and vegetables. I’ve found this to be a truly rewarding and satisfying hobby.  Even so, it’s not an easy one.  One has to think of so many things!  Where to plant, what to plant, prepping the soil, checking dates for the plants you’ve chosen, planting the seeds, watering, keeping the weeds out, making sure your plants have room to grow, fertilizer(?) and of course, reaping what you’ve sown.  Honestly, these ten steps seem really easy but it takes much work ...

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Homily – July 5th, 2020 – 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

There are two Old Testament prophets of the O.T. who had particularly keen and powerful visions of a Messiah who was to come. One is the Prophet Isaiah that we hear a lot about during Advent. He lived about 700 years before the birth of Jesus. He speaks about what seems to be impossible scenarios like a lion and lamb lying down together (lions eat lambs the last time I checked); a baby putting his hand in a snake’s den and the snake not harming it ...

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Reflection – Ordinary Time & Saints

Each time we celebrate Eucharist together, we are reminded that we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses, a cloud of Saints.  In the Apostles’ Creed, which we profess each Sunday, we say, “I believe in the communion of saints.”  In other words, we believe in an eternal bond between us and all those who have gone before us, between Saints and saints in the making. We invoke the Saints in each Eucharistic Prayer: And so, with the Angels and ...

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Homily – June 28th, 2020 – 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Within this Sunday’s three readings there are a couple of themes which dovetail well with each other, themes prominent in our Christian life. Theme one is dying and being buried with Christ in baptism, and theme two is about hospitality.

The first reading and gospel have to do with hospitality. We hear in the Book of Kings about a wealthy woman who welcomes the prophet Elisha into her house and something good happens to her as a result. In the same vein of welcoming, Jesus, ...

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Reflection – Don’t Tell Me, Show Me!

I always like to imagine myself being in the group of people Jesus is addressing when I read passages of Scripture like we see in today’s Gospel.  We are told that Jesus is speaking to his Apostles, a group who have come to know him pretty well and, by this time, have grown somewhat accustomed to the challenges he places before them.  Having said that, if I were tucked away in the corner of the room listening, I would be somewhat put-out, to say the least.  I ...

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Homily – June 21st, 2020 – 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time

In the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament), and particularly in the Book of Exodus, there is a strong emphasis on “remembering.” Moses, speaking the words of God, would often say: Remember the Lord brought you out of slavery and provided you with manna and water as you journeyed through the desert. Remember to keep the Sabbath holy. Remember that you were slaves at one time so never mistreat anyone under you.

Remembering is so important in faith. Jesus said, “Do this in remembrance of me.” That is ...

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