Homily – September 17th, 2023 – 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

As with so many of our Sunday readings, there is again a connection between the first reading from Sirach, in this case, and the gospel passage from Matthew. Both readings are about forgiveness and also about vengeance, which lingers an inch below the surface in even the most forgiving person. Of course, it’s always easier to speak about forgiveness than to live it. To the degree that we know we need forgiveness and to the degree we actively receive it, ...

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Homily – September 10th, 2023 – 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Here is a quote, and I would like to see if you can identify where it comes from, who the author is.

“I can’t stand your religious meetings. I’m fed up with your conferences and conventions. I want nothing to do with your religious projects, your pretentious slogans and goals. I’m sick of your fund-raising schemes, your public relations and image making. I’ve had all I can take of your noisy ego-music. When was the last time you sang to ...

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Homily – September 3rd, 2023 – 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

If you’re my age or older, you might remember some of the detective shows that were popular on T.V. back in the 1970s. They included Barnaby Jones, Mannix, The Rockford Files, Hawaii Five-O, Cannon, and the list goes on. I particularly got a kick out of Cannon, because he was too fat to chase down criminals on foot, so he would run them over with his big 8-cylinder Lincoln Continental. Every crook Cannon brought to the police station had tire ...

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Homily – 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time – August 20th, 2023

As you may know, the little slice of the Scriptures on any given Sunday is only that, a slice. The mistake we often make in reading these Bible stories, or just in life in general, is to think we have the whole pie when we only have a slice of the pie. Even Jesus makes the mistake with this Canaanite women.  She has to remind him that initially he only has a piece of the puzzle and not the whole ...

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Homily – 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time – August 13th, 2023

As you know, there are many forms of prayer; one is not any better than another. Public, communal prayer is called liturgy, while private prayer is called devotional prayer. We need both. Different forms of prayer spontaneously emerge in us depending on the circumstance we find ourselves in. When you stand before something absolutely wonderful, and you know you didn’t create it, a “prayer of praise” is never too far from your lips. Looking into a baby’s eyes always elicits ...

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Homily – Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord – August 6th, 2023

The story of Jesus’ transfiguration is a wonderful gospel story. It has just so much depth to it, so much symbolism. It speaks to me differently at different stages of my life. All Scripture stories are supposed to work that way, and this one certainly does.

I had the privilege of being on this mountain a few years ago. Peter, as you heard from the story, wanted to make three dwellings, to pitch three tents, in order to savor that wonderful ...

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Homily – 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time – July 23rd, 2023

There are, as always, a number of ways of approaching the readings we hear during liturgy. One helpful idea as we try to tease out some meaning from today’s readings is to make the distinction between the Kingdom of God, on the one hand, and the Kingdom of Heaven on the other. Usually we mash them together thinking one means exactly the same as the other. Not so. In its simplest form, the Kingdom of God is the present; it’s ...

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Homily – 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time – July 9th, 2023

“I thank you Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent and have revealed them to infants.”

Two weeks ago, I was involved in Vacation Bible School and this line from our gospel today really came to life.  At Vacation Bible School we have children from many different parishes in our diocese and at times from beyond and other faith traditions as well.  We also have a wonderfully international flavour to our group as ...

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Homily – 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time – July 2nd, 2023

Like I mentioned last weekend, in Matthew’s gospel, there is the famous Sermon on the Mount, that is followed up with a lesser-known sermon called the Missioning Sermon. Last week and this week’s gospel are about the Missioning Sermon, how Jesus is sending his followers out into the world to proclaim that the Kingdom of God is breaking into the world here and now. Jesus isn’t trying to hone skills within his disciples before unleashing them on the ...

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Homily – 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time – June 25th, 2023

It’s a pretty safe statement for me to say that every one of us has experienced doubts, discouragement, and fears. I hope every one of you has also had moments of hope and people on your life journey who have spoken words of encouragement to you. The Scripture readings we are given today are so realistic, echoing both discouragement and encouragement. If you spent just a little bit of time with the Prophet Jeremiah, our first reading, or with the ...

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