What are you doing your best to achieve?

At first glance, today’s second reading appears to have two contradictory messages. We are told that we must obey the commandments of Jesus or there is no truth in us; but we are also told that if we sin, Jesus will be our advocate, and what he has done through his death on the cross is already an atonement for anything that we might do. As I pondered this apparent ...

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God’s Mercy

Peace and forgiveness – these are the two related thoughts that come to me in today’s scripture readings. The gospel reading begins on the evening of that first Easter, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews. I find it striking that the disciples are together, albeit meeting behind locked doors. Having been scattered at the time of Jesus’ ...

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This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad!

Once again, we sing, “Alleluia!” this weekend – an acclamation of praise and rejoicing that we have not heard in our liturgies since before Ash Wednesday. Perhaps it is because winter seems to be hanging on too long, or maybe because the news of the world is so depressing, but “Rejoice!” is not the word I’d use to express my inner most feelings of late. We hear of the unending ...

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I will never…..

Always and Never.  Two words, which, I frequently argue, should probably be removed from the English language.  Of course, this is usually during a heated discussion with my husband: “I have never done that,” or “You always say that.”  Still, I would suggest that at the very least, we need to be more circumspect in our use of them.

The Passion of ...

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An Invitation to Transformation

Lately I have been reflecting often about dying and rising, and the prominent place they have taken in my life. The physical deaths of numerous family members, friends, and acquaintances; numerous births, marriages, and other beautiful beginnings; friendships that have ended, and others that have emerged and taken flight; the letting go of some of my deepest, ...

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God’s Eternal Love

Today’s gospel reading is from John. More specifically, Chapter 3 verses 14 through 21. I’m sure you guys already know where I’m going with this. Out of this gospel one famous line comes to mind, line 16: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” Back in 2009, this bible ...

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As we spy the half-way marker on our Lenten journey, it might be good to recall the words that started this journey on Ash Wednesday. These same words will see us through to Easter Sunday and beyond: “Repent and believe the Good News.” More than words they are an invitation us to do an about-face, turning from what is penultimate, not ...

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Scrutinies – Examining Our Lives

The primary way that the Church assists the catechumens (now called the elect after the celebration of the Rite of Election last Sunday) in their conversion process during Lent, is through the celebration of rites called Scrutinies. These ritual celebrations on the Third, Fourth and Fifth Sundays of Lent are communal prayers celebrated ...

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Observing Lent

The readings today mark the first Sunday of Lent. Every lent is a new beginning; sometimes beginnings are welcomed, other times half and half.  We welcome Lent as a time to make our faith fresh, a preparation for and a reinforcement of our ongoing struggles to resist the temptations we face in our lives. We know from other Lents that it’s hard to keep going, and it’s for a ...

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Will you kiss the leper clean?

Many years ago I entered the hospital room of an elderly lady who greeted me with the words, “you shouldn’t have gone to all that trouble for me. I’m so ashamed. I was always been a clean person.” It took me a moment to realize that she was embarrassed because I had to put on a mask, gown and gloves before ...

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